Invacare Mobility Aid 6125 User Manual

Forearm Crutches  
Assembly,Installation and Operating Instructions  
Model Nos. 6125, 6153, 6154  
NOTE: Check ALL parts for shipping damage before  
using. In case of damage, DO NOT use. Contact  
Dealer/Carrier for further instruction.  
NOTE: Refer to the GENERAL WARNINGS in the  
SAFETY SUMMARY of this instruction sheet.  
1. Depress the snap buttons on the leg extensions and  
adjust the leg extensions up or down to achieve the  
proper height for the user.  
The following recommendations are made for the  
safe use of the Invacare Forearm Crutches:  
2. Ensure that leg extensions are engaged in the same  
protrude through the hole of each leg for an even  
height adjustment.  
DO NOT insta ll or use this e quipme nt without first  
re a ding a nd unde rsta nding the se instruc tions. If  
you a re una ble to understa nd the Wa rnings, Ca u-  
tions or Instruc tions, c onta c t a he a lthc a re profe s-  
siona l, de a le r or te c hnic a l pe rsonne l be fore a t-  
te mpting to insta ll this e quipme nt - othe rwise , in-  
jury or da ma ge ma y oc c ur.  
3. Adjust cuff height by depressing snap button on each  
cuff and inserting the snap button into the adjust-  
ment hole.  
4. Ensure that cuffs are engaged in the same respec-  
tive adjustment hole and snap buttons fully protrude  
through adjustment hole of each cuff for an even  
height adjustment.  
Ma ke sure tha t a qua lifie d de a le r or the ra pist  
instruc ts the use r on the prope r use a nd op-  
e ra tion of the Fore a rm Crutc he s.  
5. Rotate ALL collars until tight to secure cuffs and  
leg extensions.  
Alwa ys te st to se e tha t a ll pa rts of the c rutc he s  
a re se c ure be fore using.  
6. A dealer or therapist should instruct the user on the  
proper adjustment and use of the crutches.  
Sna p buttons MUST fully protrude through the hole  
of e a c h le g e xte nsion to e nsure a positive loc k.  
7. Periodically inspect all moving parts of the  
crutches for proper operation.  
Ensure tha t sna p buttons a re fully e nga ge d a nd  
a ligne d in the prope r he ight a djustme nt hole  
of e a c h c rutc h be fore use . This e nsure s tha t the  
a djusta ble le gs a re se c ure ly loc ke d a nd a n  
e ve n he ight a djustme nt is a c hie ve d.  
NOTE: The crutch cuffs can be widened or narrowed to  
help ensure a secure fit around the arms of the user.  
Pe riodic a lly inspe c t rubbe r c rutc h tips to e n-  
sure tha t the y a re not rippe d, worn or missing.  
Re pla c e the m if a ny of the se c onditions e xist.  
Inspe c t ha ndgrips a nd c uffs for da ma ge , i.e .,  
c ra c ke d, be nt or broke n. Ca ll your de a le r if  
a ny of the se proble ms e xist.  
Cuff Adjustment  
Snap Button  
Adjustment Holes  
Cuffs a re de signe d to a dd sta bility to the Fore -  
a rm Crutc h a nd a re not inte nde d to support  
the use rs we ight.  
Th e Fo re a rm C ru tc h e s c a n p ro vid e  
a mbula tory a ssista nc e to a n individua l we igh-  
ing up to 300 lbs. (135 kg.) pe r c rutc h. The Fore -  
a rm Crutc he s a re de signe d to provide support  
a nd sta bility in a ssisting the use r.  
Leg Extensions  
Crutch Tips  

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